Sunday, 29 November 2015

#Cambridge... Left a little present for you. Abandoned Painting 5

Painted this a few years back during some royal visit or other. How irreverant this girl looked, holding the flag in her teeth. I wonder what whoever finds/found this painting will make of her? No word so far, but she's not bothered.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Lost! (Intentionally)

You are about to start reading the latest post of the Abandoned Paintings blog. Sit back... relax...
As the Dancing Veteran fades into the centre of the image, found by Guy and then by Richard, who will find him next? Abandoned in another book, for another reader.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Found! - Abandoned Painting 2, Update 2, Update...

My father... never found an abandoned painting in a book, but Richard did. Next installment for the Dancing Veteran coming soon.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Abandoned Painting 2: Update 3

Here's a painting of the picture of me placing the picture of me placing the painting of the photo of the found painting of the Dancing Veteran in a book (see post from 6th Nov). Abandoned on a street in Haringey.

Whether I ignored the sign is a matter of opinion.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Abandoned Painting 4: View from Pub

The view of a block of flats from inside a newly-gentrified pub earlier this year. I painted this to assuage my guilt, or on the off-chance I'd need a reserve of paintings for a future blog. Left in the doorway of a (different) pub early this morning. Bye...

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Abandoned Painting 3: Front Door

Precariously placed on an extractor fan in a pub toilets. What you can't see from the picture is that the toilet was directly below, seat up and unflushed... jeopardy!

Friday, 6 November 2015

Abandoned Painting 2: Update 2

I've left the drawing of the picture of the painting inside a book whose reader will more likely appreciate an increasingly convoluted chain of imagery. Fittingly enough the Dancing Veteran's image is now in the Piccadilly Waterstone's where Russian spies are reputed to congregate. For good measure I also placed a print out of the photo of the drawing of the photo of the painting inside another broadly meta-fiction book in a different bookshop.

Now it's for the fates to decide what happens next. Unless I place the print out photo of the print out photo of the drawing of the photo of the painting inside another book? Or paint the photo of the print out of the photo of the drawing of the photo of the painting, and then abandon that...

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Abandoned Painting 2: Update

Rescued! Thanks to Guy who found the Dancing Veteran painting in Camden and sent this photo. I did a quick drawing to celebrate, so now have a drawing of a photo of an abandoned painting... which I think I'll abandon... but where?

To be continued...

Monday, 2 November 2015

Abandoned Painting 2: Dancing Veteran

Another military painting from a few years ago. This is a dancing Russian veteran from a found image... abandoned; this time in Camden. No word as yet, he might be gone forever...