Monday, 14 December 2015

Have you seen this painting?

Not heard anything from the last few paintings I abandoned... so designed a wanted poster for Abandoned Painting 8. Put it on this notice board where passers-by might see it, relatively local to where the painting was left; just 136 miles away, about a 45 hour walk.

It's pretty clear what the poster is about, and even if they haven't seen the painting (original pictured below) it'll add a bit of mystery to their day - even if you think they don't deserve it... they do.

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

#FinsburyPark, Abandoned Painting 8

Have you seen this painting?
A painting of my wife at a house party in Stamford Hill. This is the last painting to be released, the cupboard (of paintings) is bare, for now. Let's see what happens next.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

#Camden, Goodbye... Abandoned Painting 7

Dial P for painting
Have a poem as well as an abandoned painting - two arts for the price of one!

Let's leave it here,
In this phone box on Parkway,

Who the fuck's using a phone box in Camden anyway,
These days?

Other than painters displaying failed work, obviously.
Not that fly-tipping art pays

The frigging rent,
So I'm off,
To the Midlands.

Good luck with the oligarchs fuckers.
(But if you are independently wealthy and reading this,
I do take commissions).
And it's gone...

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

#PVFC Abandoned Painting 6

Away, away,
Away, away.
Super Vale away,
Super Vale away,
Super Vale away.

Poetry. One day, I promise, I'll do a better painting of the Vale faithful. In the meantime this one has been released to the world.